UsefulCode Series: An introduction

UsefulCode is a new GitHub repository intended to showcase small, useful chunks of R code for data analysis.

UsefulCode Series: An introduction
Photo by Isaac Smith / Unsplash

Quite frequently, my colleagues and I will share R code with one another to solve a specific problem.

"Hey Ben, do you have code to... format data... search for misspellings... make 100 plots as fast as possible?"

And while this works, over time we eventually forget, and so, will once again ask for help, and on and on the process repeats itself. I also catch myself sifting through old R files, thinking, "I know I used this code somewhere, in some project." So, how do we resolve this problem?

Introducing the UsefulCode GitHub Repository!

Useful code for useful people

The UsefulCode repository (repo for short) is intended as a resource for myself, my colleagues, and anyone who wants useful examples to speed up their R coding tasks. I'll post new code to this repository as I come across it and welcome anyone to submit their own examples via the GitHub Pull Request function. Every time a new example is added, a short description will be added to the README GitHub file, but I'll also post the code and description here on my website!

Please subscribe to my site to stay updated, and I hope you learn something that saves you time and energy! Happy Coding!